
Showing posts from January, 2022

What’s Behind Today’s Flair-Up in the Right-Wing War on LGBTQ Youth?

Back in 2015, as LGBTQ activists celebrated the victories of marriage equality and other progress, Michelangelo Signorile warned that given the right-wing, anti-LGBTQ religious strategies they were already setting in motion, It’s Not Over . Just as they were far into implementing a carefully planned process of chipping away slowly at a woman’s right of choice over her body, they were planning a similar backlash against LGBTQ people . Progressives were, Signorile wrote then, in danger of a “victory blindness” that would ignore what the right-wing was already preparing to do to LGBTQ rights in that similar manner that it had been using to slowly but surely gut Roe v. Wade . And now we see all that coming to fruition. Not only have the years since his warning seen regressive sectarian religious groups work at local and state levels to place their kind in office, but they've recently right-wing use of the previous administration and a Party leadership that is now beholden to them and t...