Are You Taking Care of Yourself During this Scary New Backlash?

We’ve entered a new era in the struggle for equality, diversity and inclusion. For many it feels as if the legal gains made over the last fifty years are about to be rolled back – and with a vengeance. The politics of those leading this backlash from the top down are blatantly ugly, openly mean, and marked by unbelievable cruelty. “Vengeance” is a key word in many of their minds and the most extreme talk is about the further marginalization, criminalization, and even elimination of those who have been members of marginalized groups in the past. Things don’t look good, and in almost all sectors of society, major judicial and political institutions, dominant corporations, radical and loud religious sects, and the power-hungry are supporting those who lead the backlash or are too afraid to fight against it. LGBTQ people, people of color, recent immigrants, and women are rightfully concerned about what this all means for their livelihoods, relationships, healthcare, families, and public ex...