Our Lives and Loved Ones Are on the Line Now
What are you up to this election season? Are you paying any attention? Are you working for your favorite candidates? Are you planning to vote and maybe even bring someone with you to the polls? Or have you given up on politics? Have you fallen for right-wing mind-game attempts to suppress your vote by convincing you to embrace ideas such as: “They’re all the same.” “They’re all crooked.” “My vote doesn’t matter.” If any of those things were true, political action committees wouldn’t be spending millions to get you to stay home from the polls. They’re investing in the idea that your vote really matters. In each current election we hear it's “the most important in our lifetime.” But of all targeted groups, LGBTQI+ people should be struck by the fact that the stark contrast of the sides in this one brings real, life-determining, relationship-determining, consequences. There are groups of people who occupy and benefit from such a privileged position in life, whether it’s heter...