Yes, It's Still Called Bigotry
If there’s anything that’s really traditional, even a part of many historically “traditional family values,” it’s prejudices and the accompanying bigotry. Of course, bigots are really, really offended when someone points out their bigotry. And their hope is that by showing how offended they are, liberal guilt and the accompanying navel-gazing will kick in and get the critic to feel bad so they don’t have to. They take that response as proof that they’re right. People are told that it’s not nice to call someone names, and so we don’t, no matter how openly bigoted they are. And women in our culture have been taught that it’s more appropriate to be nice than honest anyway. The famous psychologist/minster/writer John Bradshaw spoke of the personally destructive forces of the “Price of Nice,” and Angelina Castagno collected together a group of scholars in an edited volume entitled The Price of Nice: How Good Intentions Maintain Educational Inequity to explain h ow being “nice...