Why We Need Local PFLAG Chapters More than Ever
How many of those supporting LGBTQ people thought that achieving marriage equality back in 2015 was the end of the struggle for equality? Not Michelangelo Signorile in his wisely skeptical warning It’s Not Over , written in that same year. He warned us that a resulting “victory blindness” seduces us into thinking that LGBTQ people have made it, pulling advocates back from what is merely another step while the enemies of equality were obviously continuing to plan to chip away at rights the way they slowly chipped away at Roe v. Wade . State by state, local election by local election, a backlash of forces of inequality slowly and with a long-term strategy worked to return the US to a culture that kept them in privileged positions they feared they were losing. While others responded by concentrating on building huge national organizations to rub shoulders with those at the top of the federal government, these radically right-wing forces knew that the real work and funding needs were at gr...