Whatever Happened to "Hate Is Not a Family Value?"
It’s been energizing to see the many yard signs that broadcast the clear, concise affirmation: “Hate Has No Home Here” in a diversity of languages. Others include a list of what that means to those who proudly display these signs in their front yards, a list that includes “Black Lives Matter,” “Love Is Love,” "No Human Being Is Illegal," and “Science is Real.” The movement for equality needs a bumper-sticker size slogan that it can stick with to keep, reenforce, and permanently install its message in the minds of people. And it needs one like this that forces those who disagree with it (or its parts) to get labelled with an attribute as stark and clear as “hate.” The pithy slogan needs to be one that will be repeated over and over again so that the media can’t ignore it but will eventually come to recite it even with “some people claim.” It needs to be one that puts those who disagree on the defensive. And we need to recognize that when people object to the use of the slogan...