We Still Don't Know What Causes Heterosexuality
Heterosexuality seems to be a widespread human condition, and yet science hasn't found its cause. Maybe that's due to an absence of available funding for the research or just plain lack of interest. There have been studies to determine the origins of homosexuality, usually in males, but they've all been small and, frankly, inconclusive. Nevertheless, we're still in the dark about why there are people who are attracted romantically and sexually to a different gender than the one with which they identify as if they have problems loving the very gender they themselves embody. Probably this lack of scientific curiosity has to do with the fact that the majority of people – mostly heterosexuals, but not always – consider unadulterated heterosexuality to be the norm with anything else a deviation. And much medical and psychological science studies abnormalities rather than what's just assumed. Consider the host of studies in the last two centuries of others conside...